I just picked up a 45 lb. bag of cracked hazelnuts from Growing Miracles Lavender Garden, about five minutes from my house. It’s time to sort them and stash them in the freezer. The cracked nuts are $15 per pound and by the time you sort out the shells, you get about 40% nuts to 60% shells. This works out to about 2 lbs. of nuts from a 5 lb. bag for a cost of $7.50 per pound, which is far less than I’ve ever seen online or at a grocery store and these nuts are local and ultra-fresh. I put on a good movie or some YouTube videos while I sort them and use a three-container system: one bowl for the nut kernels, one bowl for the shells*, and one small bowl for the random nuts that are not cracked.
What will I do with all those hazelnuts?
Well, I start off roasting a big pan of them following these directions. Then, I can use the roasted nuts to make hazelnut milk (following any directions for almond milk, but no need to soak the nuts if they are roasted). Or, I might make a batch of Hazelnut Butter to use instead of peanut butter for cookies, sandwiches, or dipping apple slices in.
You can also use the roasted hazelnuts to make magnificent hot cocoa. In a high-speed blender, blend 1 cup roasted hazelnuts with 3 cups water, 1/4 cup honey (or agave or maple syrup, or 3-4 Medjool dates), 2 tablespoons cocoa powder, and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. Blend until smooth and foamy, 60-90 seconds on the highest setting. If you use hot water when you blend you won’t even need to heat the cocoa. Makes excellent chocolate milk when chilled.
I could use some in a batch of granola. Or chop some and add to this salad. I also love to eat the roasted hazelnuts by the handful as a snack or toss some into my oatmeal.
*I use the shells as a mulch on top of the soil in my garden beds. I’m not sure how they will affect my soil when they finally break down, but they do a wonderful job of keeping the neighborhood cats from using my beds as a giant litterbox!